2024 Total Solar Eclipse

Ontario County will be in the path of totality of the Great North American Solar Eclipse - a total solar eclipse on Monday, April 8, 2024. Residents and visitors of Ontario County will be able to see the full eclipse for approximately 2 minutes and 52 seconds.
Eclipse Resources
Best Practices to Prepare Your Business for the 2024 Eclipse:
Employee Preparedness: Encourage employees to have a full tank of gas; have their own resources at home; have daycare needs met (schools are closed that day). Gas stations may be very busy and traffic going to and from work may be more challenging. For those businesses that can allow for working from home, many are doing so. For those working in the service and retail industry, prepare for possible traffic delays. If your company has multiple shifts, be aware of the Eclipse time for shift changes.
Cash and Financial Transactions: Be prepared for more cash transactions and consider having extra tills to accommodate. You may have larger than usual deposits during the time leading up to the 8th as well as many visitors may be extending their stay. Check to be sure what days and hours your bank may be open. *** Note that there will be an increase in cell usage (especially on the 8th) which may lead to delayed credit card processing systems. Be sure to have a back-up! ***
Communication: If your business hours are different than usual, be sure to advertise this on the business website, all social media accounts, and door signage. Consider sending an email communication to your customer listserv noting hour changes.
Possible Promotions: You may want to consider additional promotions to offer during the week leading up to and the week after the eclipse. It could be as simple as a specialty cocktail or a branded/eclipse related retail item, etc. that highlights this once-in-a-lifetime event, your business and/or the region. The Finger Lakes Visitor's Connection is the main point of information for visitors coming to Ontario County. They are promoting all events and specials happening in the area. Please contact Jessica to share your event and/or special promotions. (Jessica@visitfingerlakes.com)
Regularly Scheduled Deliveries and Product: Deliveries scheduled for Monday, April 8, 2024 may be delayed due to traffic. If possible, consider rescheduling deliveries on a different day or ordering additional products to have in advance.
Restrooms: There may be visitors that are camping and day-tripping on April 8th. Be prepared for visitors who may be primarily interested in using business restrooms. Public restrooms will be in short supply and portable restrooms in limited locations may be at capacity until serviced.
Eye Safety (for you, your family and employees): Determine if you will provide ISO-certified glasses for employees and/or customers. If yes, order them as soon as possible, to make sure you receive them in time. The Ontario County Chamber of Commerce has a limited supply for free (2 per family and available after March 1, 2024) as does the Finger Lakes Visitor’s Connection. Please contact Finger Lakes Visitors Connection at 585-394-3915 to receive ISO-certified glasses (2 per family).
Experiencing the Eclipse: See the links below for more detailed information and to learn more about the 2024 Total Solar Eclipse.
Total Solar Eclipse 2024 In Finger Lakes (visitfingerlakes.com)
Eclipse America 2024 | Solar Eclipse Across America (aas.org)
Eclipse Quick Facts - Rochester Total Solar Eclipse 2024 (rochestereclipse2024.org)
(VIDEO) Total Solar Eclipse Education (visitfingerlakes.com)
PODCAST: Getting Ready for the 2024 Solar Eclipse, with Debra Ross & Angela Speck - Break the Ice Media
Compliments to Visit LivCo
Tips for Residents
- Traffic will be heavy and lines for local services such as restaurants, gas stations, grocery stores, and retail stores may be longer than usual; do what you can ahead of time before the anticipated impact days and allow for extra time to get where you need to go.
- Things to consider doing in advance of the heaviest congestion periods:
- Errands & Appointments: Schedule your errands and appointments early, before Thursday, April 4, 2024, if possible. Check ahead if you have plans for Monday, April 8, 2024; some services and businesses will be closed or have limited hours during this time. By scheduling your errands early, you will beat the crowds and give local stores and businesses time to restock before eclipse visitors arrive; this includes grocery shopping, appointments, prescriptions, etc.
- Supplies: Overall, supplies may be limited due to the high demand; which may mean the items you want are not available during the impact days. If there is something important you need, get it early.
- Gas: If you normally fill up your tank on the weekend, be sure to do that task early, before Thursday, April 4, 2024.
- Cash: If you regularly use cash or want some on hand, consider visiting your local bank or ATM before Thursday, April 4, 2024.
- 911: Know when it is appropriate to call 911 (true emergencies) and have the non-emergency phone number for your local Dispatch Center programmed into your phone ahead of time.
- Cellular Service: With the increased number of visitors, local public safety officials anticipate cell usage may become overwhelmed (primarily Monday, April 8, 2024) or have limited access during the impact days. Consider these ideas to assist with communications during this time: Develop a communication plan with family and friends if you lose or have limited service. If you only have a mobile phone at home, find out which of your neighbors have a land-line number in case you need to call 911 for an emergency.
- Public Water Systems: Consider postponing watering your lawn or using “extra” water during the anticipated impact days to take pressure off the public water system during that time.
- Individual/Family Emergency Plans: Consider the eclipse event to be an opportunity to check your emergency kits and emergency plans. If you do not have a kit or have not discussed your emergency plans, now is an opportune time to do so.
- For information from the County, visit the county's website.
Compliments to Visit LivCo
See the links below for more detailed information and to learn more about the 2024 Total Solar Eclipse.
Total Solar Eclipse 2024 In Finger Lakes (visitfingerlakes.com)
Eclipse America 2024 | Solar Eclipse Across America (aas.org)
Eclipse Quick Facts - Rochester Total Solar Eclipse 2024 (rochestereclipse2024.org)
Total Solar Eclipse Education (visitfingerlakes.com)
Getting Ready for the 2024 Solar Eclipse, with Debra Ross & Angela Speck - Break the Ice Media
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
A total solar eclipse happens when the moon passes between the sun and Earth, completely blocking the face of the sun.
The eclipse will begin at 2:07 PM, peak at 3:20 PM, and end around 4:33 PM. To see exact times for each community in Ontario County visit FingerLakesEclipse.com.
Residents are encouraged to stay in their communities to view the eclipse. Several businesses in our community will be hosting events for residents and visitors to view the eclipse or special promotions in honor of the once-in-a-lifetime event.
To view a schedule of eclipse events in Ontario County click here.
Events/promotions include:
- ALPACALIPSE 24, Lazy Acre Alpacas. Yoga from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m.; bring your own mat. For eclipse viewing, bring chair or blanket. Cost is $25 for eclipse viewing, yoga and glasses; $20 for yoga. Concessions will be available. Register at lazyacrealpacas.com. Details: email markgilbride@lazyacrealpacas.com.
- DONUTS & DARKNESS, Pick’n Patch, Routes 5&20, Stanley. Order a dozen donuts and four pairs of eclipse glasses for $19.99. NOTE: Package must be picked up Sunday, April 7. Details: picknpatch.com.
- ECLIPSE SMOOTHIE, MighTea Boba, Roseland Plaza, Routes 5&20, Canandaigua. Details: https://mighteaboba.com/
- SOLAR ECLIPSE WITH HIKYOGA, The Lake House, Canandaigua. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Cost: $125. Details: https://lakehousecanandaigua.com/events/solar-eclipse-wellness-retreat/
- SOLAR ECLIPSE WATCH GATHERING, Sonnenberg Park, Canandaigua. Hosted by Canandaigua Botanical Society from 2:30 to 3:45 p.m. Free glasses for the first 30 people. Register at canandaiguabotanical@gmail.com.
The only safe way to look directly at the eclipse phases of the Sun is through ISO-certified eclipse glasses.
You can pick up or purchase a pair of eclipse glasses at businesses, including:
- Arbor Hill Winery, Naples. $2 each.
- Finger Lakes Visitors Connection, Canandaigua.
- Ontario County Chamber of Commerce, 113 S. Main St., Canandaigua. Free. Limit 2 per household.
- Pick’n Patch, Stanley. $1.99 each.
- Wood Library, Canandaigua. Free. Limit 2 per household.
NOTE: At each location, glasses will be available while supplies last.
The anticipated community impact days are Thursday, April 4, 2024 to Tuesday, April 9, 2024.