This holiday season, we’re teaming up with Canandaigua BID and YOU, to host Twinkle. It’s is a socially distant way for each of us to be a Little Star. Decorate your home or office, or home office, and let it shine brightly as dusk comes earlier and our craving for festivity is tempered by our need to stay safe and distant.
It's easy to be part of Twinkle – there’s no registration, no rules, no map. Just a chance to challenge the darkness with bright, colorful, twinkling light.
Not big on decorating? Put on your porch light or light a candle in a street-facing window. Starting the day after Thanksgiving and going through the end of the year, we’ll be driving around every evening looking for lights – whether on our way to get takeout or on the way home from the office, to holiday shop downtown or just to get the family out of the house. And when you like what you see – because we know you will – join us in sharing images on Facebook using the hashtag #MYTwinkle2020. Social media will serve as our holiday scrapbook, and your posts will inspire other Little Stars to shine brightly, too.
Decorate. Drive around. Post. Repeat. Twinkle will make you a Little Star.